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graduation ceremony

May 31, 2017

News and Updates, May 2017

Highlights cover key events; faculty, staff, and student accomplishments; and other CVM news... 

Otto Cook the dog

May 30, 2017

Saving a Schnauzer’s Sight

The initial consultation was with the ophthalmology service, but after an examination and an MRI, the case found its way to radiation oncology. Otto was suffering from a meningioma, a tumor arising from the meninges, membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord... 

Springer spaniel dog jumping over green grass

May 30, 2017

May CVM New Research Roundup

A look at some of the newest published studies coming out of the CVM... 

Maine coon resting at home

May 14, 2017

VH Hyperthyroid Clinic Revives the Feline Spirit

Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disease in older cats, but is a relatively new condition, with the first case reported in 1979... 

student admires whale skeleton

Apr 25, 2017

News and Updates, April 2017

Highlights cover key events; faculty, staff, and student accomplishments; and other CVM news... 

illustration of cancer cells

Apr 24, 2017

April CVM New Research Roundup

A look at some of the newest published studies coming out of the CVM... 

Ms. Faux the horse simulation

Feb 19, 2017

In CVM’s Simulation Lab, There’s No Such Thing as Mistakes

One of the most popular horses on campus never makes a sound. You can’t ride her, and she won’t trot or jump or gallop. You can’t bathe her, though she’s always impeccably groomed. You can’t feed her; she won’t eat. But you can take her apart and put her back together again — over and… 

dog receives dialysis

Jan 31, 2017

NC State Veterinary Hospital Provides Dialysis Treatment

Hemodialysis comes into play with severe cases of acute kidney injury (kidney failure) resulting from infection or any other causes. Candidates for this treatment demonstrate such symptoms as... 

horse in barn window

Jan 24, 2017

An Investment in Equine Excellence

This year, the decision was made to invest the funds in an annual scholarship in the amount of $5,000 awarded to a deserving student with the goal of practicing equine medicine. Callie Fogle, a clinical associate professor of equine surgery, explains... 

Kaleb the bearded dragon

Jan 18, 2017

What Can You Learn from a Bearded Dragon?

When Tara Harrison, an assistant professor and a clinician, first saw Kaleb, he was suffering from an undifferentiated sarcoma, a type of cancer that typically affects bones and connective...