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May 4, 2010

Research Links Flea Bites with Chronic Infections, Possible Birth Defects

A researcher in North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine has discovered that bacteria transmitted by fleas–and potentially ticks–can be passed to human babies by the mother, causing chronic infections and raising the possibility of bacterially induced birth defects. Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt, professor of internal medicine in the Department of Clinical Sciences and director… 

May 4, 2010

Gigi Davidson on U.S. Pharmacopeia Council of Experts

Gigi Davidson, Director of Clinical Pharmacy Services with North Carolina State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital, has been elected to the United States Pharmacopeia Council of Experts as chair of Pharmacy Compounding for 2010-2015. United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is a scientific, standards-setting organization that advances public health through standards and related programs that help ensure the… 

May 3, 2010

Comparative Pain Research Lab Conducts Trial on Feline Osteoarthritis

The Comparative Pain Research Laboratory at NC State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital is recruiting feline patients with osteoarthritis for an eight week trial of a nutritional supplement. Participants will wear an activity monitor on their collar to help evaluate efficacy of the supplement. Costs associated with the study– examinations, blood work, urinalysis, radiographs (if needed), and… 

Apr 23, 2010

Dr. Levine Receives Magrath Award

Dr. Jay Levine, North Carolina State University professor of epidemiology and public health, is the recipient of the C. Peter Magrath Community Engagement Award presented by the NC State Office of Extension, Engagement, and Economic Development as part of organization’s annual “Celebrating the Engaged University” recognition program. Dr. Levine earned the award for his leadership efforts… 

Apr 23, 2010

A Dean’s Perspective on the Founding of the NC State CVM

“The College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University: A Personal Perspective of its Founding,”by founding Dean Terrence M. Curtin is available from the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Foundation. In the 351-page book, Dean Curtin offers a first-person view on the "who, what, how, and why" on the effort to secure approval and funding to… 

Apr 13, 2010

Dr. Farin President of International Embryo Transfer Society

North Carolina State University faculty member Dr. Peter Farin of the College of Veterinary Medicine is the 2010 president of the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS). Dr. Farin, an Associate Professor of Ruminant Health and Production Medicine, Theriogenology in the Department of Population Health and Pathobiology, assumed his responsibilities at the global organization’s 36th Annual… 

Apr 8, 2010

CVM Student Receives Howard Hughes, NIH Scholarship

Michael Peace, a third year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student in North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, is the recipient of a $27,000 scholarship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to support his participation in an innovative, year-long research training program with the National Institutes of Health. The Howard Hughes Medical Institute-National Institutes… 

Apr 2, 2010

Generous IRA Gift

Gordon Neville ’61 met his future bride in the first grade. As they grew up in Chapel Hill during the 1950s, they became high school sweethearts. Gordon was fortunate enough to convince Pat to marry him in 1958, and they have been an inseparable team in life and in love. Gordon wanted to show his… 

Mar 29, 2010

Equine Colic Discussion by Dr. Blikslager

Dr. Anthony Blikslager, an expert on equine colic, is interviewed by for an article during the American Association of Equine Practitioners Convention. Read the article and see the video. Posted March 29, 2010                     

Mar 26, 2010

Incorporating Biological Functionality into Nanomaterials

A team led by researchers from North Carolina State University has published a paper that describes the use of a technique called atomic layer deposition to incorporate “biological functionality” into complex nanomaterials, which could lead to a new generation of medical and environmental health applications. For example, the researchers show how the technology can be…