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Vee Ringer, Class of 1986

Job title: Medical director, Vets Pets

Describe your current position and what led to your job.

Medical director of a small corporate group of various types of veterinary hospitals. I had a personal connection with the owner of this group as he was the first veterinarian I worked with out of veterinary school.

Describe job opportunity trends in your industry. What does the future look like for your industry?

Corporate veterinary medicine is growing. Our corporation is growing. At this time we are confident this trend will continue.

What advice would you offer alumni/students looking for a job in your field?

Make as many connections as you possibly can within your field. Most of our hires come from some type of connection.

What is the best career advice you have received?

When I was working for a veterinarian in undergraduate school and trying to decide if I wanted to pursue veterinary medicine I watched my mentor veterinarian work 80-100 hours/week. I was sure that was not the lifestyle I wanted.

He assured me that even though it would be hard work I did not have to work as many hours and could make time for family life. This has proved to be true and I am thankful that he convinced me that veterinary medicine could afford a great career and family life together.

Share one “do” or “don’t” that you have learned regarding resumes, interviewing, networking or job searching tactics.

Make your connections genuine and honest. Do not try to portray to be something else other than your real self in an interview.