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translational research

Graphic of human body with organ icons

Jul 16, 2024

The Human Connection

At the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine, we conduct research that leads to healing across the animal-human bond. ‘Bench to bedside’ takes a unique form on our campus, where advancements bridging veterinary research and human health care can span ‘barn to bedside’ or ‘farm to table.’ 

2021 Goodnight Early Innovators Class

May 20, 2021

NC State Veterinary Medicine Faculty Named to Goodnight Early Career Innovators Class

The university's inaugural class includes CVM professors and researchers Tobias Kaeser, Benjamin Callahan and Liara Gonzalez. 

three kittens

Mar 2, 2021

Kittens Could Hold Key to Understanding Deadly Diarrheal Disease in Children

New research findings point to kittens as a potentially invaluable model for further exploration of atypical enteropathic Escherichia coli to inform treatment approaches for both humans and felines. 

Feb 16, 2021

Gonzalez Named NC State University Faculty Scholar

Liara Gonzalez is behind some of the most innovative research coming out of the CVM in recent years, using large animal models to translate findings into treatments for both humans and animals. 

CVM horses

Feb 15, 2021

Study: ‘Stealthy’ Stem Cells Better for Treating Tendon Injuries in Horses

The research could simplify the stem cell treatment process for ligament and tendon injuries in horses, and may also have implications for human stem cell therapies. 

Dean Meurs

Jan 13, 2021

Meurs Receives Distinguished Professorship in Comparative Medicine

Meurs’ ongoing, groundbreaking research broadens understanding of cardiac genetic disease in companion animals, information that often has potential to guide treatment of human disease.