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News and Updates, September 2018

Sara Bennett comforts dog
Sara Bennett, clinical assistant professor of behavioral medicine, comforts pets at an Orange County Red Cross shelter after Hurricane Florence. Photo by John Joyner/NC State Veterinary Medicine

Faculty and Staff

  • Derek Foster, students Danielle Myzk and Nate Baribault pick up awards at the American Association of Bovine Practitioners annual conference.
  • In a first for veterinary medicine, a published study led by Thierry Olivry proposes a standardization of how a clinical trial’s results are reported.
  • Michael Nolan talks about his work in the search of new and better cancer treatments.
  • NC State Equine Health Center opens horse shelter in wake of Hurricane Florence.
  • Computer model reveals effect of increased cholesterol on specific ion channel in the heart, according to a study co-authored by Belinda Akpa. //
  • Ronald Baynes featured in Consumer Reports article about the science of drug detection in meat.
  • Study co-authored by Lauren Buslinger finds sucralose produces previously unidentified metabolites.
  • Greg Lewbart and Hans Westermeyer head emergency team working on the injured eye of a critically endangered Kemp’s ridley sea turtle.

 In the Spotlight

Faculty, students and staff have risen to the challenge of helping the many in need following Hurricane Florence. Here’s just one of the many ways we’re helping.

Alumni and Students

  • Twenty-one CVM Annable Scholars for 2018-2019 announced.
  • Mucosal environment of older pigs helps newborn pigs recover from intestinal injury, according to a study from lead author Amanda Ziegler.
  • Alum Tyler Allen named to list of 100 most influential young African Americans.

Donors and Support

  • As we cope together with the devastation caused by Hurricane Florence, we can make a difference together, too. More information on our Disaster Relief Fund.
  • Chayah Memorial Scholarship recognizes dedication and compassion.