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NC State Comparative Pain Research Laboratory Seeks Participants for Osteoarthritis Research

Like many other ills,  we share the pain of arthritis with our pets. Estimates are that more than half of  some dog breeds suffer with canine osteoarthritis for a total number approaching 10 million–about 20 percent of dogs over the age of two.

Many owners may not realize their dogs has osteoarthritis until it results in a noticeable change in their activity. The warning signs include:

  • Lameness or abnormal gait;
  • Stiffness, especially after waking up;
  • Difficulty sitting, standing,  running,  jumping,  getting into the car, or climbing stairs;
  • Changes in behavior with decreased interest in walks or playing;
  • Withdrawal from family members;
  • Licking area of a specific joint or joints;
  • Sensitivity and soreness when joints are touched;
  • Trouble getting comfortable/restlessness;
  • Sleeping more than usual.

The Comparative Pain Research Laboratory at North Carolina State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine is investigating chronic pain associated with canine  osteoarthritis. One of the studies seeks to improve techniques measuring the pain a dog may be experiencing from osteoarthritis in the hip and/ or stifle (complex joint in the hind limbs) with the ultimate goal of improved diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

To participate, dogs must be at least two years old, weigh 33 pounds, and have decreased mobility in the hip or hind limb region. Patients with suspected or confirmed osteoarthritis are eligible but the dog cannot be on any pain medication or have a concurrent medical condition that hampers movement. No medication will be administered during the study.

Owners of eligible study candidates will receive veterinary medical services valued at $300 including physical and orthopedic examinations, x-rays, free blood work and urinalysis.

Fore more information please contact Dr. David Knazovicky at 919-513-6019 or