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Lisa Darling, Class of 1989

Job title: Chief veterinarian, services and store operations, PetSmart, Inc.

Describe your current position and what led to your job.

Corporate veterinarian overseeing safety protocols, product testing/introduction and development for services and store operations in our stores throughout the world.

Describe job opportunity trends in your industry. What does the future look like for your industry?

Job opportunities are present. However, they are limited. As the human-animal bond continues to fuel the growth of the pet industry more opportunities will likely develop.

What advice would you offer alumni/students looking for a job in your field?

Gaining as broad of a background as possible (multiple species and disciplines) as well as having a MBA facilitates my role and has increased the demand for my skills.

What is the best career advice you have received?

If you fear it, it will happen. Basically I have looked at constructive criticism as a gift that allows me to grow in areas where I am weak and continue to capitalize on those areas where I have established a good reputation.

Share one “do” or “don’t” that you have learned regarding resumes, interviewing, networking or job searching tactics.

The veterinary community is a very small world. Never assume that the audience does not know who you are referring to when making statements.

Anything else you would like to add?

No one else owns the responsibility to make every situation a learning opportunity other than you.