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Histopathology: Tracking Disease

The Histopathology Facility Core within the NC State University Center for Human Health and the Environment is a key resource to investigators to help initiate new animal models and to evaluate existing models. The combination of histologists and a board-certified veterinary pathologist provides for integrated core support to investigators at all steps of the process, including model development, sampling, histology, pathology assessment, and publication.

Dr. Keith Linder, assistant professor in the CVM Department of Population Health and Pathobiology, is director of the Histopathology Facility Core (HFC).

Histologists will facilitate tissue handling, processing and staining procedures, including routine staining, special staining, and immunohistochemical staining. Boarded veterinary pathologists will be available to integrate these technical steps with experimental planning, macroscopic and histologic organ assessment and tissue staining results.

HFC pathologists will also provide support for multi-organ evaluation in different species and for comparison of findings to the pathology of human diseases or conditions being modeled. Training will be provided to transfer experimental/ laboratory methods as well as pathology organ assessment tools to researchers and graduate students. The centralized HFC instrumentation will help to expand the capabilities of Center for Human Health and the Environment investigators.

Histopathology Facility Core Objectives

1) To provide integrated histology and veterinary pathology services and consultation for tissue and animal model development and assessment.

2) To provide special histochemical and immunohistochemistry services including integrated pathology assessment of results and support for new protocol development.

3) To provide training to CHHE researchers and graduate students in routine histology, special histochemical and immunohistochemical staining techniques.

4) To provide training in morphological assessment and grading of pathological tissue changes.

5) To enhance collaboration and resource sharing between investigators in animal model development and use.

Dr. Keith Linder





Dr. Keith Linder, CVM assistant professor, directs the Histopathology Facility Core within the NC State Center for Human Health and the Environment.


June 27, 2011