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CVM Professor Recipient of NC State Libraries Faculty Award

Dr. Barbara Sherman speaks at award banquet

Barbara Sherman, clinical professor of veterinary behavior in the Department of Clinical Sciences in the NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine, is the 2015 recipient of the NCSU Libraries Faculty Award.

The annual award, established in commemoration of the library’s centennial year in 1989, enables the library to recognize the NC State faculty member “who has contributed consistently and notably to the accomplishment of the Libraries’ mission, vision, and strategic initiatives.”

Specifically, the award recognizes a faculty member who:

  • Works actively and effectively to support the Libraries;
  • Promotes the role of the Libraries as an essential component of the university’s mission;
  • Works in partnership with library faculty and staff in teaching, research, and/or extension activities; and,
  • Promotes expanded access to information resources.
Dr. Barbara Sherman accepts NCSU Libraries Faculty Award
Dr. Barbara Sherman accepts the NCSU Libraries Faculty Award

In a letter nominating her for the award, Sherman was noted for her active support of the Libraries collections, her work to establish and maintain the Leah L. Dey’s Purrday Haven Reference Collection, and sharing her animal welfare expertise with the Special Collections Research Center.

Kristine Alpi, director of the William Rand Kenan, Jr., Library of Veterinary Medicine said, “Dr. Sherman embodies enthusiasm for learning and is a role model for an engaged faculty colleague. She advises on building the collection, brings her students and residents into the library both physically and remotely, and is a wonderful collaborator in promoting information resources to veterinary practitioners and the general public.”

Presented at the Friend of the Library Fall Meeting, the recognition includes an honorary life membership in the Friends of the Library, engraved listing on the NCSU Libraries Faculty Award plaque, and a special recognition certificate.

The award is made possible by funding from the Friends of the Library.