CVM News, Updates for April
NC State offers cutting-edge tech to treat cancer in pets, WMBF-TV (SC), April 29, 2014. NC State’s vet school is one of the few facilities in the United States to offer pinpoint radiation for pets. Michael Nolan, clinical sciences, featured.
David Dorman participated in several Environmental Protection Agency hearings before Congress on May 5. He discussed recommendations from the National Research Council to the EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) Process during the Committee on Appropriations, sub committee on the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies; the Committee on Environment and Public Works; and the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.
Natasha Olby is the recipient of the 2014 Faculty Achievement Award from the American Association of Veterinary Clinicians.
Craig Harms is featured in the Slate animal blog ‘Wild Things‘ in a story concerning his humane method to euthanize dying whales.
Ed Breitschwerdt did a podcast for the online publication American Scientist on “Uncovering the Complexity of Bartonellosis,” and a AKC-Canine Health Foundation podcast
on several common tick borne illnesses, including Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, and Lyme Disease. He also is quoted in the environmental online journal Greenwire about how changes to an ecosystem can increase zoonotic pathogens.
JAVMA News did an article on recent
study Duncan Lascelles and Margaret Gruen have done on degenerative joint disease and the placebo effect. The study is also referenced in a blog by veterinarian Jennifer Coates.
Jody Gookin is a recipient of medical research grant awarded by Winn Feline Foundation to investigate the cause of gastrointestinal illness and death in rescued, foster-age kittens.
Rita Hanel, Steve Marks, and Steve Suter are among the authors of a paper, “Evaluation of thromboelastography for prediction of clinical bleeding in thrombocytopenic dogs after total body irradiation and hematopoietic cell transplantation,” in the current issue of American Journal of Veterinary Research.
Ed Smallwood is the recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award from the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Callie Pierce, Class of 2016,
is the recipient of a national Poultry Scholars Award from the American Association of Avian Pathologists Foundation.
Brad Waffa, Class of 2014, is one of the authors of the paper, “Old World Hantaviruses in Rodents in New Orleans, Louisiana,” in the current issue of The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. He is also featured in the video “Herpers” about people who keep or breed various reptiles.
Danielle Lindquist, Class of 2016, is the recipient of a national Points of Light award in recognition of her community volunteer activities.
Graduate Greg Burkett is referenced in a New York Times article on animals and prosthetics.
Graduate Lisa Becton of the National Pork Board is quoted in an online article on
about how the pork industry has accelerated research into finding a vaccine for porcine epidemic diarrhea.
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