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CVM News, Updates

dog bending down on front legs

The 23rd Annual Dog Olympics hosted by the Companion Animal Wellness Club and organized by Anna Noel McKain and Amy Fear–attracted a good size crowd despite the questionable weather early in the day. Preliminary parking official estimates even before the event concluded was that some 550 visitor cars filled CVM spaces. A record number of rescue/ shelter groups (20) and vendors (27) were partners for this year’s community outreach.

WNCN did a live interview previewing the Dog Olympics, and WNCN and TimeWarner Cable News attended the event.

Olympic moments.

Your event was simply fabulous.  I can not tell you how much we appreciate your support and belief in our mission, along with that of the other animal rescue organizations that were present.  This is such a worthy cause and we feel honored to have had the opportunity to enjoy this experience.  This was a wonderful networking experience for all of the rescues and for the whole community.  This was our first time attending this event so we have no suggestions for improvement.  We thought it was wonderful and look forward to next year.  Thanks again for allowing us to be a part of this event*:) happy Warmest Regards,

Terry L Morris,  M.S., D.V.M., Ph.D. Vets to Vets United, Inc. Executive Director Durham, NC 27707


Ke Cheng

Ke Cheng’s regenerative medicine research using adult stem cells to repair damaged heart tissue was highlighted in the AVMA Health News Bytes, an online newsletter for journalists covering veterinary medicine.

NC State issued a release about his collaborative work
with a targeted nanoparticle–a “magnetic bi-functional cell engager” or MagBICE–that may help heart attack patients regenerate healthy heart tissue without using donated or processed stem cells.


Sid Thakur is doing a series of videos for the Feed the Dialogue website on
antimicrobial resistance and how antibiotics are used on modern farms. The communication is supported by the NC Farm Bureau.

Matthew Breen was interviewed by WGHP-TV in Greensboro about his work with the canine genome and how the research can advance cancer studies for dogs and humans.

Barrett Slenning was quoted by WRAL for a story on Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv).

Anthony Blikslager was interviewed by the Horse magazine on the causes and treatment of digestive health challenges colic and diarrhea in neonatal foals

Barbara Sherman’s collaboration with NC State computer scientist David Roberts and electrical engineer Alper Bozkurt on research projects involving new technologies for computer-assisted training of dogs is profiled in a NC State news item. A project involving disaster-response technology for dogs is funded by the National Science Foundation. Sherman’s NCSU Library-sponsored talk, “Decoding Your Dog,” attracted a capacity plus 40 audience to the South Theater on Sept. 4.

Kathryn Meurs,
Bruce Keene,
Yamir Reina-Doreste,
Joshua Stern,
Sandra Tou, Clarke Atkins,
Teresa DeFrancesco, Marisa Ames, and Timothy E. Hodge collaborated on a paper, “Case-control study of the effects of pimobendan on survival time in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure,” published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

First-year students George Schaaf, Ericka Gonzalez, and Ester Gu organized an ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Link to WRAL video.

The work of the CVM Turtle Club in supporting the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center with the rehabilitation and release of 60 sea turtles was profiled by TimeWarner News, the Wilmington Star News, and WWAY Channel 3.

Nikki Schweizer, Class of 2013, was profiled in her hometown newspaper, the Hickory Record for returning to Hickory and operating a mobile large animal clinic.

Jeff Hall, Class of 2001, is conducting a free, online webinar, “Equine First Aid: How to Handle Common Emergencies” on Thursday, Oct. 2.

Bretagne, the last Ground Zero search dog, and handler Denise Corliss participated in a NBC 9/11 anniversary program. Bretagne and Corliss were part of a of 9/11 follow-up study that involved annual MRIs at the Iams Pat Imaging Center, now AnimalScan, at the CVM.

[section_subtitle] Mark Your Calendar: [/section_subtitle]
October 2– Kindred Companions Memorial Gathering

October 4– Rabies Clinic.