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Centennial Biomedical Campus Developing Biomedical Research Partnerships

North Carolina State University’s Centennial Biomedical Campus (CBC) is bringing academia, government, and industry together to research and develop biomedical applications for animals and humans.

An extension of NC State’s original Centennial Campus concept, the CBC is home to the nation’s third-ranked College of Veterinary Medicine and the Veterinary Health Complex, which includes among its centers, programs, and facilities: 

  • the Randall B. Terry, Jr. Companion Animal Veterinary Medical Center,
  • the Equine and Farm Animal Veterinary Medical Center,
  • the Veterinary Health and Wellness Center,
  • the Teaching Animal Unit, and 
  • the College of Veterinary Medicine Research Building with the Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research.

The CBC welcomes corporations, foundations, associations, private and academic laboratories, and other organizations to become partners in a community that seeks to advance human and animal health through biomedical sciences.

A recently formed partnership is with the
Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest’s Baptist Medical Center. The Center for Comparative Medicine and Translational Research and the Institute for Regenerative Medicine are collaborating to find safe and effective ways to use cells to regenerate damaged organs in people and pets. Read about this partnership in an earlier post.

Posted Feb. 22, 2012