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Lunn Receives Broad Spectrum Inclusivity Award

Dean Paul Lunn
Dean Paul Lunn. Photo by Nathan Latil/NC State Veterinary Medicine

NC State College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Dean Paul Lunn has been named one of six recipients of the second annual LGBT+ Veterinary Awareness Award. The award is given to faculty members, veterinary medical students, or industry partners who, “go above and beyond to provide support and ensure inclusivity regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression in veterinary academia.” The award is presented by the Broad Spectrum Veterinary Student Association (BSVSA), which is based in College Station, Texas.

This award recognizes those who have demonstrated commitment to Broad Spectrum’s mission by developing awareness of the LGBT+ community and its importance within the realm of veterinary education and practice. Broad Spectrum’s mission is to connect, support and empower a community for LGBT+ veterinary students and allies across veterinary education among North American and Caribbean colleges.

In the announcement of the awards, Dean Lunn is cited for, “his leadership around the difficult LGBT+ political climate in North Carolina. He has personally reached out to LGVMA, attended the LGVMA annual meeting in San Antonio, and brought LGBT+ advocacy to the NCSU veterinary medical students and faculty. He has helped to empower his staff and student body around LGBT+ inclusion and wellness … Leadership starts from the top.”

Upon learning of the honor, Dean Lunn said, “I was delighted to hear about this award, but let’s remember that anything we have achieved we have done as a community and this is not down to the efforts of any one person. We very much appreciate this recognition, and take it as an encouraging sign that we are making progress toward this important objective.”