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24th Annual Dog Olympics Surpasses Goal

dog in front of sign

The DVM students in the Companion Animal Wellness Club some 24 years ago wanted to raise awareness of the plight of homeless dogs. A fun competition for dogs was suggested as a way to attract public attention. Eventually, the idea of a minimum entry fee for participating that would be donated to shelters and breed rescue groups once the cost of producing the event was covered came to be.

The event has continued to grow through the years. A free microchip clinic was offered, and demonstrations included fly ball and agility groups as well as police K-9 units donating their time and skills. A popular family activity, Dog Olympics is a great way for those who are interested in adding a dog to the family.

While the final amount is still being calculated, the current tally of $3,274 will exceed last year’s event. Admission for the owner and competing canine athlete was $5 with the cost covering an entry fee for one event and access to a digital photo of the canine champion on the Olympic platform. Each additional event and photo was $2. Admission for the owner and a non-competing dog was $3. Admission for an individual was $1 while children age five and younger are free.

[highlight color=”red”] The 24th Annual Dog Olympics [awesome-gallery id=83611] [/highlight]

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The Olympics are for dogs of all breeds, sizes, and skills so the competition is general divided between large and small breeds and fun and athletic events. The particular events may vary slightly from year to year but popular “serious” competition includes the High Jump, Doggie Limbo, and Frisbee Toss. The Musical Sit, Roll Over Rover, Longest Tail, and Howling Contest are also favorites.

The Raleigh Kennel Club (RKC), has been an important Dog Olympic partner almost from the very beginning. The Olympics is one of the RKC’s major outreach activities as they donate microchips (one per family) for anyone who would like to microchip their dogs.

[feature_title color=”black”] A Group Effort [/feature_title]

“Dog Olympics is a great way for us as students to remain connected to the community and in tune with the plight of shelter animals while in school. This event requires planning and participation from dedicated club officers, veterinary students, faculty and staff to be successful every year. It truly is a group effort to help raise funds for these wonderful adoptable pups and to assist some of them in finding their new forever homes.” ~ Amy Lamb, Class of 2017, CAWC President


24th Annual Dog Olympic Organizers

Amy Lamb

Laura Keener

Charles Jones


Microchip Clinic Veterinarian Volunteers

Kelli Ferris

Lola Hudson

Amy Marie Snyder[/one_half_last]

Faculty Judges

[one_half]Paula Cray

Mac Law


Frederick Fuller

Phil Sannes[/one_half_last]


NCVMF Judges


Kevin Hourihan

Kathe Garrison

Trish Holland

Susan Ward


Mary Jo Pringle

Lou Mitchell

Leslie Yates

Keven Yates[/one_half_last]




Greg Lewbart

Mat Gerard

Guest WRAL Capital Reporter Laura Leslie



CVM Staff

Brian Church

David Green[/one_half_last]


Comments from the Community:

  • We had a great time!  Lots of people stopped by to talk to us about our Rescue and about adopting. We had a wonderful location and would love to have that spot again next year!! Our thanks to all who worked on this Event and, once again, did such an outstanding job. We look forward to seeing you again next year.” ~Betsy Myers, Director, BTRNC
  • Excellent event as always…well organized and executed.  Our pleasure to be invited and allowed to participate. Thanks so much,” ~ Nancy Cawthon, Neuse River Golden Retriever Rescue
  • I thought the event was fabulous.  The students did a wonderful job*:) happy Warmest Regards,” ~Terry L Morris,  M.S., D.V.M., Ph.D., Vets to Vets United, Inc.

Additional Images from the 24th Dog Olympics:

Nicole Howren

Technician photographers